Economic Equity and Wealth Building.

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Alot of white businesses are going to start rolling back their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs. Why you might ask? Simple answer(s).

Building Economic Equity and Wealth 

I had the opportunity to have had an awesome Professor 25 years ago and his name was Dr. Claude Anderson,  Economics Professor.  Everything that Black Americans are experiencing today was identified by Dr. Anderson back then. Yes, we are or on the verge of being 4th in-line for any and all opportunities that would propel Blacks further up the wealth ladder.  However,  since the election there has been several companies announcing the removal of the DEI program such as Walmart and Home Depot.  Many others will soon follow suite.  There will be major cuts in government funding, programs and jobs. 

Now, we know that the racial wealth gap in this United States is rooted in historical economic disparities (slavery,  burning of Black Businesses, stolen land) just to name a few.  If we intentionally support Black-owned businesses, we could create pathways for economic mobility, remember we've done it before. We've had our own grocery stores,  banks,  hospitals,  clothing stores and more,  the blueprints have already been created,  all we need to do is execute the plan.  

One thing I've learned is that history repeats itself and it's time for us to coral our dollars and invest in Black entrepreneurship, so we can break the cycles of economic inequality.  When Black businesses thrive, we create jobs, we generate community wealth, and we provide role models for future entrepreneurs.

For instance,  we have the WEKINFOLK APP,  in order for the app to thrive we must support it with our Black dollars.   I am quite sure at one time or another you've said, "we need our own platforms."  Well we have it. Let's build it up and support the Black business community.    I am rooting for us.  ♥️???✨️?

